Featured online: Dwell, Hunker, and Sunset. Featured in print: Chronicle Books “The Modern Caravan” and Portand Monthly magazine design issue. Our 1958 Airstream renovation process was a thorough build. A co-project by Shane Beers and Cynthia Tuan, we gutted and redid the electrical, plumbing, heating, layout, and design. We built or fabricated almost all of the interiors and sourced countless custom materials, right down to a few hundred Olympic rivets.

The brief to ourselves was to create an efficient tiny living space, we sought the added challenge of keeping it light for future mobility. Not just an aesthetic venture it had to also be functional.

All our design and build choices were filtered by how are we powering it? Is the material light enough? Will it be road-worthy?

In the end, we wanted to make a space that had all the comforts of home packaged into an unconventional cozy nook. For curious wanderers, it’s a chance to experience micro-living in true Portland fashion while leaving behind a low impact environmental footprint.

Design: Shane Beers + Cynthia Tuan @silver_sequoia

Build/Fabrication: Shane Beers

Photos: Peter Schweitzer


DL Desk


Painted Hills Garden Bed